Zoning Petitions And Litigation
Throughout Chicagoland, residential and commercial developments are dramatically changing the landscape of the area. Whether you are actively pursuing or attempting to halt construction projects, you may need to understand and resolve zoning issues before you can move forward with your plans.
In Geneva, our real estate attorneys at Storm & Piscopo, P.C. have represented homeowners, property owners and developers for decades. We have a substantial understanding of area zoning ordinances and the zoning process. Our trial attorneys handle appeals for both developers and residents interested in challenging a zoning decision.
Streamlining The Petition Process
Commercial and residential land developers retain our attorneys to submit necessary fees and paperwork to facilitate the zoning application process. We assist clients in preparing for required hearings and completing required steps after the hearings conclude.
Representing Developers In Appeals
Our lawyers advocate for our clients before the board of zoning appeals for matters related to:
- Dimensional or nonuse variances
- Use variances
- Zoning map amendments
- Special uses
- Administrative review in court
Litigating Zoning Disputes
We prepare strong arguments for residents and business owners seeking to challenge a board decision. Should you have the standing to appeal, we will study your claim and create a compelling case in court or before the appropriate agency. We have successfully advocated for clients regarding zoning enforcement decisions, special permits, nonconforming uses and other complex permitting disputes.
Contact Our Firm For Advice Today
Our attorneys have an expansive understanding of real estate, zoning and land use statutes in Illinois. Whether you have questions on how to file your petition or prepare for an appeal, we can educate you on your options and the possible outcomes of your case.
Reach our firm today by calling 630-232-6170. We are ready to assist you at your convenience during regular business hours, in the evening or on weekends.